Endi Bogue Hartigan

Endi Bogue Hartigan's first book, One Sun Storm, was selected for the 2008 Colorado Prize for Poetry, and was a finalist for the 2009 Oregon Book Award. Her work has been published or is forthcoming in Verse, Chicago Review, Volt, Pleiades, Free Verse, Burnside Review, Quarterly West, The Oregonian, Gulf Coast, New Orleans Review, Tinfish, The Antioch Review, Northwest Review, Spoon River Poetry Review, Caveat Lector, Hubbub, Peep/Show: A Taxonomic Exercise in Textual and Visual Seriality, Salt (an Oregon coast anthology), and other publications. She co-founded and edited the poetry magazine Spectaculum, which was devoted to long poems, series, and projects best presented at length. She has lived primarily on the West coast and in Hawaii, and hold degrees from Reed College and University of Iowa's Writer's Workshop. Hartigan lives in Portland, Oregon, and works for the state university system. 

(Author photo by Steve Bloch)

A woman bending down to lift one leaf

April piece

Complete Reading from Mountain Writers Series 2009

One Sun Storm